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Kitten education

While kittens can't be raised like a dog, they too can learn a few rules that make it easier to live together.

Dogs have a different relationship with us humans like cats. Most of them are much more willing to comply with rules because they have an inner desire to do everything right if possible. This gives dogs attention and recognition. Cats see it differently: they are more independent, more freedom-loving and more willful. The upbringing is therefore more diffcult, although it is less differentiated: Nobody is interested in "sitting","place" and "staying", instead it is really just about what the cat is allowed to do and what is not. They can certainly learn that, because they don't lack intelligence.

The basics of cat education differ little from dog education. In both cases, it has proven useful to rely on positive rein forcement. As soon as your cat does something "right", there is a reward in the form of treats, pats or praise, She will remember that very quickly and want to show her behavior again in order to be rewarded again. If, on the other hand, she makes something "wrong", then you should never scream at your cat or even become rude to her. During the development phase, it is important that the relationship of trust with your kitten is not permanently disturbed. A clear "no", possibly combined with a loud clap of the hands, is sufficient.

The timing is important

Regardless of whether it is a matter of rewarding or a warning - the right timing is always crucial for the education of a cat, You can't tell your cat when you return to the apartment that scratching the closet while you were away was not okay. Nor can you praise her for having properly visited the litter box an hour ago. You must always respond immediately within seconds, Only then can the cat associate its behavior with it and learn from it,

Problems with the litter box

Even if a cat child has already learned how to visit a cat's litter box from the breeder or animal shelter, one or the other mishap can occur in the new home. Due to the many new impressions, the unfamiliar environment and the general excitement, this is completely normal. Scolding is of little use, because it increases uncertainty. Take some cat litter, spread it on the puddle and put everything back in the litter box. Now you put your kitten in there and show him where the right place would have been, However, keep in mind that other reasons could also be considered for improper behavior. The edge of the litter box may be too high, perhaps the kitten is not used to a hood, cannot "smell" the litter or finds the installation site unsuitable. To remedy the problems

Where can kittens scratch?

When cats sharpen their claws, this has two meanings. On the one hand they sharpen their claws, on the other hand they mark their territory with scent glands on their paws. If this happens on a scratching post or somewhere outside in nature, nobody has anything against it. However, if furniture, curtains or wallpaper are affected, this is not well received. If your kitten uses a scratching post or a scratching bed, you do not need to worry about your home furnishings. If she still rubs your furniture, you acknowledge it with a clear "No". Then you take your velvet paw and position it on the cat tree so that it understands where the right place is for it.

When kittens bite their fingers

Sometimes we don't think enough about the effects of certain behaviors, A good example of this is the playful biting of cat children in our fingers. That doesn't matter much to us, which is why many don't stop it. The consequence of this is that we practically train the kitten to do this. With so much fun together, it's no wonder that the animals maintain this in adulthood. Biting or scratching have other effects on our hands and forearms. Therefore, you should better grab a cat toy and respond to an attack on your hands with an "Au" and game abort.